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13X(Bead, Pellet) (133979)

Property Unit Bead Pellet Note
8x12 4x8 1/16" 1/8"
Static Water Adsorption %wt ≥26.00 ≥26.00 ≥26.00 ≥26.00 RH50%, 25℃
Static CO2 Adsorption %wt ≥17.50 ≥17.50 ≥17.50 ≥17.50 250mmHg, 25℃
Crush Strength N ≥30.00 ≥80.00 ≥30.00 ≥70.00 Avg. 25 bead
Crush Strength lbs ≥7.00 ≥18.00 ≥7.00 ≥16.00 Avg. 25 beads
Bulk Density g/ml ≥0.62 ≥0.62 ≥0.62 ≥0.62 Settle
Bulk Density lbs/ft3 ≥38.00 ≥38.00 ≥38.00 ≥38.00 Settled
Loss on ignition %wt ≤1.50 ≤1.50 ≤1.50 ≤1.50 575℃, 1hr
Particle Ratio % ≥97.00 ≥99.00 ~ ~

Recommended Applications:
1. Removal of CO2 and moisture from air (air pre-purification) and other gases.
2. Separation of enriched oxygen from air.
3. Removal of mercaptans and hydrpogen sulphide from hydrocarbon liquid streams such as LPG, butane, propane, etc.
4. Catalyst protection, removal of oxygenates from hydrocarbons (olefin streams).
5. Removal of n-chained compositions from aromatics.

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