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5A(Bead, Pellet) (523979)


Molecular sieve 5A is mainly used for desulphurization during nature gas purification process. 

Specially developed molecular sieves can also be used in PSA oxygen generator and PSA hydrogen purification process.

Property Unit Bead Pellet Note
8x12 4x8 1/16" 1/8"
Static Water Adsorption %wt ≥ 21.50 ≥ 21.50 ≥ 21.50 ≥ 21.50 RH50%, 25℃
Crush Strength N ≥ 30.00 ≥ 80.00 ≥ 30.00 ≥ 70.00 Avg. 25 beads
Crush Strength lbs ≥ 7.00 ≥ 18.00 ≥ 7.00 ≥ 16.00 Avg. 25 beads
Bulk Density g/ml ≥ 0.68 ≥ 0.68 ≥ 0.64 ≥ 0.64 Settle
Bulk Density lbs/ft3 ≥ 42.00 ≥ 42.00 ≥ 40.00 ≥ 40.00 Settled
Loss on Ignition %wt ≤ 1.50 ≤ 1.50 ≤ 1.50 ≤ 1.50 575℃, 1hr
Loss on Attrition %wt ≤ 0.10 ≤ 0.10 ≤ 0.30 ≤ 0.30 ~
Particle Ratio % ≥ 97.00 ≥ 99.00 ~ ~ ~

Recommended Applications:
1. Adsorb H2O, CO2, H2S from sour natural gas streams, while decreasing COS formation.
2. Separation of normal- and iso-paraffins. 
3. Production of high purity N2, O2, H2 and inert gases from mixed gas streams.

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